Whether you’re feeling lost, found or ready to step into a more profound sense of self, these ceremonies remind you of the truth. That we are all divine beings. That our light is bright. That our path is always guided. And that to remember and live our authenticity—the time before we forgot and believed limited/false narratives—is to walk the path of healing. These practices are sacred, ancient and a mirror to see our reflections clearly, so we may deepen our connection with self and all beings, past and present. Let’s connect in this heartful and liberating space together!
I offer five shamanic ceremonies that empower the body, mind and soul:
extraction (and intrusion removal)
power animal retrieval
soul remembering
soul retrieval, and
soul theft (retrieval)
I trained under the guidance of shamanic teachers Daniel Léonard and Elaine Hyde of The Medicine Circle on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia, Canada; I also develop and teach my own courses to support healing for healers and introduce curious seekers to the basics of shamanic journeying. (Photo: Daniel, me and Elaine.)
I’m Greek-Canadian with deep ancestral roots in Greece, as well as Asia Minor (Turkey), the Middle East, northern Africa and eastern/central Europe more generally. Today, I continue to expand my relationship with spirit, and in doing so, bridge sky medicine with that of the earth. I’m clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient and called to teach the human experience and the healing of our bodies. All of my life I’ve been drawn to the stars, plants and the (inter)connective mushrooms for this initiation. My path hasn’t been without struggle; I had a turbulent start. I’ve also crawled through prickly bushes, often at my own insistence, and stumbled along the way. But thanks to ancestral and personal wounds, deepened awareness through meditation and silence—and the guidance of my teachers, ancestors and spirit helpers—this medicine has been (re)gifted to me to share with others. Read more about me.
Ceremonies | 30-90 minutes
“After the extraction, I feel more conscious of how fear has been such a big theme in my life, and the ways I’ve learned to navigate and accept it.”
“My somatic treatment was very interesting to me. Only because I don’t believe I was expecting too much. I set my intention as requested, did all the things I was asked to do. The day of I slept for about seven hours after the treatment. I was quite tired. Woke up tired. Thoughts when I got to work; I wish this day was over…it finished quickly at which point I came home and went right back to bed. I found myself talking about the things I was attempting to heal with much greater ease. I also found that I wasn’t having a breakdown every time I spoke about what was troubling me. I could speak about it and then move on. Much gentler on myself. That experience was very different for me. Even though it was a week ago I’m still sitting with it.”
“I had a really great experience before, during and after my session with Anastasia. She created a welcoming, safe container which allowed whatever needed to come through and work its way to the surface. I found her work profoundly healing, I’d recommend her highly.”
“I first met Anastasia in a meditation centre. We served a course together and from there began a good friendship. I can confidently say that she has an ability in managing any task or situation and has inner power in quickly accessing an issue in the body through the metaphysical healing techniques she has studied. She helped me by doing an extraction on me and lifted off some of the inherited emotions which have bothered me, bringing ease to my life. I strongly recommend her to anyone who needs emotional help. Also her knowledge on natural medicines helped my mother to ease her chronic pain using the devil’s club ointment she made for her.”
“Working with Anastasia was fantastic. She made a welcoming spot for ceremony, and ensured I felt at ease in the process. Prior to the ceremony she ensured proper intent was set, which yielded great results. I have come to feel lighter, and more driven to pursue my goals, unfettered by internal judgements.”
“Anastasia generously shares, she strongly cares and holds a love for others’ life experiences. Her passion for exploration matched with her strong and sensitive heart allows you to feel seen and cared for. She has the ability to go into the unknown to find the clarity you are searching for—finding the right words to describe the human experience and helping others do the same. She is willing to do her best for you and be there every step of the way; providing the leadership and courage it takes to guide others into their unknown.”
One ceremony or several can be performed at once. Let the spirits guide us as to what is needed and when. Descriptions of each ceremony are below.
Shamanic ceremonies I offer
Question: What is an extraction? And intrusions?
Our bodies hold energy. Some of it is ours. Some isn’t. An extraction is a shamanic ritual whereby a practitioner performs a ceremony to support the release of whatever you intend to let go. It could be ancestral and childhood trauma, cellular memory, habits, wounds, blockages, old and current physical/emotional/mental/spiritual pain, or intrusions—energy/states imposed on you by another or by you through unrepressed or unexpressed emotions. In short, anything and everything that impedes your health and wellbeing, is not of service to you and is ready to go. (Note: This ceremony doesn’t deal with curses and possessions (bodily control by an entity, energy or other person), both of which are subspecialties of their own.)
The ceremony is gentle and powerful. You lie down, blindfolded (or eyes closed), and remain present in your body. There is no need to journey; if your mind wanders, bring it back to stillness and stay with your bodily sensations. With the support of a guide, the shamanic practitioner will journey through the middle world and be told/shown/feel/experience what to extract; at the end, the practitioner may drum or do a power animal retrieval, to build power back into your body. You won’t have to relive what is removed as it’s willing to part and has already been experienced, but it could take a few days to weeks to understand the full impact of the ceremony. Be kind and let the integration happen.
Before the session, I recommend you set an intention on what you’d like released. This brings specificity to the spirits and clarity to the client on what will come up and out from the session. Often we speak of the state of transformation we seek: I want to have my power back, I want to reclaim my authenticity. The intent of this ceremony though is an extraction, so best to let go of that which blocks your health and wellbeing. For instance, I release ancestral trauma around shame, I release fear of moving forward, I release anger and the weight of not speaking my truth so I can walk my path with confidence. The release is the extraction. The output is yours to unfold and create. After the ceremony, a short review of what was shown/told/felt/experienced will be shared without interpretation as to what was extracted, as oftentimes even the practitioner doesn’t know the full extent of what was removed. The whole ceremony will take 30-60 minutes and can be performed in-person or distance.
Question: What is a power animal retrieval?
Shamanic practices see illness as a loss of power. When we are depleted energetically, we easily fall into lower vibrations where depression, anxiety and sickness prevail. And yet, when we are in our power—when we are rooted to universal and source energy—we can live life with connection and ease.
Many cultures revere the connection to spirits—be it guides, totems or animals—and believe we are born with these protective energies. A power animal is a spirit or energy that has taken animal form. Based on the intention you set, it will embody the messages and medicine you need to welcome back power into your life. It’s your responsibility, though, to nurture these relationships in continuity and reciprocity, so they may be present and nourished. (Mind you, some spirits will join us for a moment or a lifetime.) In re/establishing your connection to your power animal, you will begin to walk the path of protection and power through its guidance. Where you go together is up to you to explore.
A power animal retrieval is a sacred ceremony whereby a shamanic practitioner journeys, at times with the support of a guide, to the lower world to find and retrieve your power animal. You lie down, remain present and with the sensations of your body (without journeying). Once the power animal is shown to the practitioner and brought back, it’s then blown into your heart and crown space, and the ceremony is complete. You will be asked to set an intention before the session on what you’d like to build or have come into your life more fully. For instance, I want physical strength, I need more play, I aspire to be better aligned with my intuition or I desire balance and harmony in my relationship with self.
Now, you could believe you and the bear are meant to connect and come with an intention to evoke this animal or that. While this is lovely, know that the animal that will come to you will correlate with your intent and what is needed most in your life now. Do not dismiss an animal based on its size or perceived importance; each creature has its gifts, medicine and impact. It’s for you to find them and to see how they relate to you and your journey. After the session, you will be told what was shown/told/felt/experienced and ways in which you can deepen your relationship with this animal, should you wish. The whole ceremony will take about 30 minutes, and can be performed in-person or distance.
Question: What is soul remembering?
Every spirit comes to this earthly plane to learn. In this light, we each have innate gifts, medicines and messages unique to our mission. Soul remembering is a precious ceremony whereby a shaman practitioner journeys, with the support of a guide(s), to your soul prior to taking human form, and hears the story of where you’re from and why you’ve come to the material world in this lifetime. In essence, your life’s purpose. The practitioner will also receive a symbol (drawing) of something of significance to your journey. How you interpret these retellings and imagery is up to you to discover.
Similar to other ceremonies, you’ll be asked to stay present in your body. Once the ritual is complete, the essence of your life purpose and the image will be blown into your heart and crown chakras so you can remember the reason for which you came here. After the ceremony, a short review of what was heard/experienced/felt will be shared. The ceremony takes 15-30 minutes, and can be done in-person or distance.
Question: What is a soul retrieval?
The soul comes to this life to experience the human form. And along its way, faces trials and tribulations, joy and connection. During sudden change or turbulent times though, the soul will dissociate or fragment as a means of self-protection.
This is unavoidable and a gift. When events and energies are too much to process, the soul separates to avoid what it sees as too much; however, when parts of the soul leave the body, there is a loss of power and self, and room for intrusions and negative emotions to fester. Ultimately, soul loss. This can be for a multitude of reasons, be it shock, trauma, soul theft, stress, substance abuse, dissociation through medication and surgery. The end result is the same: a sense of displacement or not belonging, a sense of disconnect with one self, a sense of emptiness.
A soul retrieval is a ceremony whereby a shaman practitioner journeys to the lower world, and with the support of a guide, finds and connects with your soul parts that have left and are ready to return, and brings them back to you. These parts are then blown into your heart and crown chakras. During the session, you’ll be blindfolded and asked to remain in your body, present, and to stay with your bodily sensations. There is no need to journey or daydream. If the mind wanders, come back to your breath. A soul retrieval is a return of pure essence. Each soul part brings with it power, confidence, insights, messages and gifts. As such, the related trauma—captured within the body and psyche—will be released and needs to be processed.
What does this mean? This is a deep and healing ritual. Not everyone will experience its impact the same. It can enlighten and ground you, or take you on a deep dive of past memory and personal history. This is all normal and to be expected. Should a healing crisis ensue, know it is temporary. Stay with your bodily sensations (or felt sense). Let things come up and out. See, feel and let go. During this time, be patient, compassionate and connect with others who can support you along for the ride. This is ultimately a time for deep awareness and integration. (Read my healing disclaimer and FAQ section for more info.)
As with all my ceremonies, I recommend setting an intention before the session to call in the soul essence you wish to bring forward; however, what comes up and back cannot be guaranteed. When setting your intention, think of the state of being rather than a specific memory or age you want to welcome home. For instance, I want to call back the essence of confidence or the time when I truly loved and accepted myself. You can also call forward body parts—think heart, head, teeth, knees, sexual organs, anything—that may have left due to illness, injury, insult, neglect or trauma of any kind. There is also a chance that no soul or body part will come forward. In this case, it’s best to try again another time, as the body or spirit may not be ready for such a ceremony at this time. Do not see this as a failure of any kind; we must align with what is needed in divine timing. After the ceremony, a short review of what parts came back and their messages (if any) will be shared. This ceremony may also be coupled with an extraction and/or power animal retrieval, should the spirits call for it. The whole ceremony takes 30-60 minutes and can be performed in-person or distance.
Question: What is soul theft or psychic cording?
As humans, we are imperfectly perfect. Our lives unfold, at times effortlessly, and at others, with great challenge. If aware and present, our path and purpose are shown to us, and how they can blossom and take shape. It’s also along this journey that we may consciously or unconsciously steal the soul parts of others.
Don’t fret or feel guilty. As natural as one dissociates when the soul is traumatized to self-protect—we can equally take from another out of jealousy, envy, anger or lack of forgiveness. We all do it. Out of insecurity, fear of loss, to stay connected or to get another's power, light or essence. It’s not done out of malice but as a means to solidify our bonds with one another or to feed a perceived or real sense of powerlessness. What we don’t understand though is that in this relationship—in this thievery of souls—we are energetically tied and chained to each other. We may feel unable to move forward, in a constant state of unresolved and unable to let go and let live. This entanglement or enmeshment ultimately leads to our own soul and power loss. (We can't use the energy or power of a stolen soul; in fact, what we steal is a source of burden to us, not empowerment.) But know that cording of this kind is a choice and often with deep ancestral or generational patterning (I cord cause those before me corded); perhaps less when we were children as it may mean the difference between survival or not, but as adults, we knowingly give our soul away in these exchanges and can, in moments of psychic attack, clearly say no (you may feel a tug at your solar plexus) and break the cycle.
A soul theft ceremony shows the shaman practitioner what spirits have taken your soul in this or previous lifetimes, and whose souls you’ve kept. In doing so, you may reclaim your power and release others for the highest resolution and good. Your stolen soul parts will be blown back into your heart and crown chakras; the ones you have taken willingly or unwillingly, will be shared with you. You can blow them into a crystal and release it into the ocean or bury it in the forest, so it’s not easily found; if called, you can also blow the soul parts into a crystal and share it directly with the person in question. The choice is yours. Best to share what will be welcomed and well received. After the ceremony, a short review of what was heard/experienced/felt will be shared. The ceremony takes 15-30 minutes, and is only available via distance.